Change is no longer something that organisations can schedule in a change management programme. It has become a never-ending fact of life for anyone working in a modern commercial or public-sector environment. This puts enormous pressure on managers in organisations to constantly adapt to new conditions, which requires them to frequently review their skills, knowledge and practices.
Increasingly, however, modern organisations expect people to take responsibility for managing their own development – in flexible organisations development can no longer be entirely planned and directed from above. So managers find themselves on their own, under pressure to maintain performance and support their teams as well as take care of their own development needs.
Resilience is that combination of flexibility, toughness, experience and emotional intelligence that enables managers to thrive and grow in such an environment. Many people acquire resilience through their life experiences, but this is a haphazard process at best, and seldom complete. The ideal road-map to resilience is a personal journey of discovery and fulfillment, where experience is planned rather than accidental, and where learning is conscious and directed rather than inarticulate or random.
Using a system which is new to England – the Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor (PBSP) – Juliet, Jon and Kate have developed a powerful tool for helping teams discover, explore and expand their emotional range. The system is very client centred, so everyone takes it at their own pace. For a first time ‘taste’ of the Pesso Boyden system read My First Pesso Boyden Experience by Ron Down
The result is that people step into new territory, whilst feeling safe, and this develops each individuals’ capacity for empathy. In a two day or a three day course, deep emotional work is undertaken, personalities are more fully understood, and unhelpful patterns of behaviour are shifted. Ideally this process is continued, meeting for one day a month for some six to twelve months, continuously deepening and consolidating the learnings. Teams report extraordinary results from this, such as greater efficiency, enhanced pleasure, deeper meaning, increased satisfaction and a greater connectedness. What is more, this process inevitably improves the bottom line.
Inter-action also occasionally hold ‘open days’ focussing on the Pesso Boyden work so that individuals who have had a taste – and would like more – have an opportunity to do so.