Training Courses

Courses Offered;

Management Skills:
Managing Performance Masterclass led by Simon Lawrence

Presentation Skills:
Maximum Impact: A Leadership Communication Masterclass led by William Ayot
Powerful Presentations
Voice Work in the Business World led by Christina Shewell

Assertiveness Skills
Assertiveness Without Aggression (Click to this page to sign up for free article on Self Esteem and how to work on it).
More Assertive, More Confident, More Effective

Poetry in Business
The Poetry of Leadership: Keynotes, Seminars, Readings and Workshops with William Ayot

Self Esteem
Building confidence

Negotiating and Influencing Skills
Negotiation skills
Advanced negotiation skills
The use of language, and how it influences others

Communication Skills
Dealing with difficult people
Effective communications
The art of good questioning
Understanding relationships at work

People Skills
Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI): Learning about You and Your Colleagues
Meta-Programmes: How People Communicate

Management and Leadership Skills
Appraisal Skills
Leadership for Men and Women
Managing Performance
Passion and Compassion in Leadership
Setting Goals and Reaching Them
The Poetry of Leadership
Emotional Intelligence

Coaching, Counselling Skills, and Group Facilitation Skills
Coaching and Empowerment Skills
Counselling Skills For Managers
Facilitation Skills
Listening Skills for the Workplace
Where Personal Lives Touch Work: Supporting Your Staff

Customer Care
Customer First
Negotiating for Excellent Customer Care

Stress Management
Power, Pressure and Peak Performance
Strategies for Stress: How to Recognise & Deal with Stress

NLP: Neuro-Linguistic Programming
NLP in business

Personal Development
Personal Development for Greater Effectiveness
Personal Development for Managers

Bringing the Soul to Work: Releasing the Power of Creativity
Imagination and Inspiration

Accredited Courses: these have been given the Quality Assured Award: Accreditation by the Institute of the Motor Industry
Powerful Techniques for Customer Facing Staff
Power Pressure and Peak Performance

And there are more
Let us know your requirements: we are regularly designing new courses